
Thursday, July 7, 2016

15 Minutes for Core Strength

The month of June at Studio Gaia we've been doing a yoga practice benefiting the 3rd chakra. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies which run along the spinal column. The location of the third chakra is above the navel and below the breast bone. It is your "core". It is related to self-discipline, empowerment, and self-esteem. Here are three yoga poses which will activate the 3rd chakra:

1) Easy Seat, Breath of Fire (Bastrika)

2) Boat

3) Bridge

End your practice with a 3 minutes savasana. Savasana or corpse pose consists of you lying back on your mat completely relaxed, eyes closed, drop your jaw, create space between your teeth. Envision a pale orange light of relaxation starting at the crown of your head and moving down your body until it emanates from the tips of your fingers and the tips of your toes.
After several minutes, bring small movements into your finger, toes, rotate at the wrists and ankles. Roll onto your right or left side, then push yourself up into a seated position. Thank the Divine for your practice.
I honor the place in you of love, of truth, of peace. Namaste


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