
Thursday, November 17, 2016

3 Asanas for the Root Chakra

Happy Fall!  In my corner of the planet, its Fall. The leaves are beautiful now. The Earth is changing right before our eyes as it tilts on it's axis. The Root Chakra celebrates our connection to the Earth. In my Monday Morning Flow Yoga class at Studio Gaia Edwardsville we are focusing on the Root Chakra during November. Three poses/asanas that activate this chakra are:

1) Knee to Chest (Apasana)

2) Earth Salutation

3) Pigeon

This should only take about 15 minutes. Do these in the morning while your coffee is brewing. Your spine and body will thank you. If you don't have time for all three, do one or two and then the other at lunch or in the evening at home. And remember to breathe.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

15 minute Heart Openers

During the month of July in Morning Flow Yoga at Studio Gaia our sequence focused on the 4th chakra.  It is located at the breastbone. The Heart chakra is the center of love, warmth, compassion and joy.

When the Anahata chakra is activated you are able to love others and yourself, knowing when to say no and when to care for yourself.

Here are three poses that will activate the 4th chakra. The mantra to use is "I am" (inhale), "loved" (exhale)

1) Cat/Cow Vinyasa flow
         A great warm up, always. Start on all fours. Inhale drop the belly, look up for cow, exhale                    reverse the curve for cat. 5 breath cycles

2) Cobra or Upward Facing Dog
         Start lying on your belly, hands on mat under shoulders. Inhale as you rise, hold for 5 breaths.

3) Camel, be sure to follow this pose with Child's Pose
         Start by kneeling on your shins, toes curled under, if reaching for the heels is too much, just                reach down to your waist and look up. Hold the pose for 5 breaths. Follow this by Child's                    Pose.(5 breaths)

May you be filled with peace, love and joy. Til we meet again, Namaste

Thursday, July 7, 2016

15 Minutes for Core Strength

The month of June at Studio Gaia we've been doing a yoga practice benefiting the 3rd chakra. Chakras are energy centers in our bodies which run along the spinal column. The location of the third chakra is above the navel and below the breast bone. It is your "core". It is related to self-discipline, empowerment, and self-esteem. Here are three yoga poses which will activate the 3rd chakra:

1) Easy Seat, Breath of Fire (Bastrika)

2) Boat

3) Bridge

End your practice with a 3 minutes savasana. Savasana or corpse pose consists of you lying back on your mat completely relaxed, eyes closed, drop your jaw, create space between your teeth. Envision a pale orange light of relaxation starting at the crown of your head and moving down your body until it emanates from the tips of your fingers and the tips of your toes.
After several minutes, bring small movements into your finger, toes, rotate at the wrists and ankles. Roll onto your right or left side, then push yourself up into a seated position. Thank the Divine for your practice.
I honor the place in you of love, of truth, of peace. Namaste


Saturday, June 4, 2016

15 Minutes For The Second Chakra

During the month of May we concentrated on the Second Chakra in my Morning Flow Yoga class at Studio Gaia. Second Chakra is located just below the navel in the lower abdomen, lower back and hips. Here are three poses you can do to awaken the Sacral or Second Chakra--your Creative Center:

1) Bridge

2) Moon Salutation

3) Pigeon -- this lady is so cute!

The color for the Sacral Chakra is orange. I invite you to notice orange things in your environment this next week. Perhaps eat some orange foods.

Your creative center has been awakened. Do something creative, and
reward yourself with a green juice or fruit smoothie!

Banana strawberry chia goodness

Saturday, April 30, 2016

3 poses for the Root Chakra

In the month of April we've been exploring yoga poses which strengthen and celebrate the Root Chakra. Chakras are energy centers which start at the base of the spine and proceed upward to the crown of the head.
Spring is upon us. Flowers are blooming. Hyancinth give way to tulips, then dogwood, then azaelea and lilac. Root chakra celebrates our connection to the Earth's rhythms. Days are lenthening. We see more of the sun. This reminds me of my absolute favorite vinyasa: Sun Salutation. Here are three yoga elements you can practice at home:

1) Easy Seat

2) Sun Salutation

3) Goddess Pose

This should only take you 15 minutes. The color associated with Root Chakra is red. During this next week, notice red things in your environment, eat some red foods. Strawberry banana smoothies are wonderful after a yoga practice. Enjoy!

My neighbor's tulips

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

15 minute Yoga for Core Strength

This month in my Morning Flow Yoga class we've been working on yoga for core strength ending with a 15-20 minute yoga nidra at the end. Here are 3 poses/vinyasas you can try at home:

1) 3 legged Down Dog, swing upper leg thru to hands, rise to Warrior 1(repeat this flow 4 times on each side.

2) Dolphin/Dolphin Plank

3) Boat

These 3 should only take you 15 minutes in the morning. Or, if you don't have 15 in a row, do one in the morning, one at your lunch break and then one in the evening.
For relaxation try this 15 minute Yoga Nidra. Assume Corpse pose, cover up, get comfortable, close your eyes, hit play and enjoy!


Friday, February 26, 2016

15 minute Shoulder Openers

During the month of February we've been working on Shoulder Openers in  my Morning Yoga Flow class at Studio Gaia Edwardsville. In our flexion based society (i.e.sitting all the time) our shoulders tend to round forward as we work on the computer at our desks. Also, a human reaction to stress is the shoulders rising which can cause muscle tension and pain causing our shoulders to get locked in that position.
Here are three yoga poses that can help reverse that curve and unlock your shoulders:

1) Table w/ giant arm circles(one arm at a time, 8x) then Cat/Cow 8x

2) Triangle, hold 5 breaths

3) Side Plank, hold each side 5 breaths, do one push-up in between sides

For extra credit check out the Sadie Nardini Side Plank w/ Jagger Asana. Love it!

The above three should take no more than 15 minutes each day. Make the time to take care of your shoulders -- you deserve it.

If you're ever in Edwardsville on a Monday morning at 10am, come to my class! I would love to see you at Studio Gaia.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chai Time

My new favorite beverage to make at home is Chai. My Vata Dosha in Ayurveda means that I need to drink/eat warm food. Chai is one of the recommendations. After many disappointments at establishments such as Starbucks I decided to find out how it's actually done.
The first thing I learned from watching several YouTube videos is that every Indian household makes their chai a little differently. Watching these home-made videos is actually very sweet. In one it was the daughter filming her father making chai which he faithfully does for his family once or twice a day. Watch a few of these on YouTube. It will make you smile.

Here's the video that I settled on as my guide: Click Here.

Happy Chai making!!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

15 minutes for Back Strength

Yoga for Back Strength has been the focus this month in my Dancing Heart Yoga classes.
In our flexion-based (sitting all the time) society, our back muscles become weak which can cause chronic pain as our bodies assume unnatural postures to compensate for this imbalance.

Here are three yoga poses to increase back strength:

1) Cat-Cow

2) Puppy to Cobra Vinyasa

3) Locust

This should only take 15 minutes. Even if you have to do each pose at three different times of your day--you're worth it!

                                                   Then dance your heart out to THIS!
