
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

15 minute Heart Openers

During the month of July in Morning Flow Yoga at Studio Gaia our sequence focused on the 4th chakra.  It is located at the breastbone. The Heart chakra is the center of love, warmth, compassion and joy.

When the Anahata chakra is activated you are able to love others and yourself, knowing when to say no and when to care for yourself.

Here are three poses that will activate the 4th chakra. The mantra to use is "I am" (inhale), "loved" (exhale)

1) Cat/Cow Vinyasa flow
         A great warm up, always. Start on all fours. Inhale drop the belly, look up for cow, exhale                    reverse the curve for cat. 5 breath cycles

2) Cobra or Upward Facing Dog
         Start lying on your belly, hands on mat under shoulders. Inhale as you rise, hold for 5 breaths.

3) Camel, be sure to follow this pose with Child's Pose
         Start by kneeling on your shins, toes curled under, if reaching for the heels is too much, just                reach down to your waist and look up. Hold the pose for 5 breaths. Follow this by Child's                    Pose.(5 breaths)

May you be filled with peace, love and joy. Til we meet again, Namaste