
Friday, February 26, 2016

15 minute Shoulder Openers

During the month of February we've been working on Shoulder Openers in  my Morning Yoga Flow class at Studio Gaia Edwardsville. In our flexion based society (i.e.sitting all the time) our shoulders tend to round forward as we work on the computer at our desks. Also, a human reaction to stress is the shoulders rising which can cause muscle tension and pain causing our shoulders to get locked in that position.
Here are three yoga poses that can help reverse that curve and unlock your shoulders:

1) Table w/ giant arm circles(one arm at a time, 8x) then Cat/Cow 8x

2) Triangle, hold 5 breaths

3) Side Plank, hold each side 5 breaths, do one push-up in between sides

For extra credit check out the Sadie Nardini Side Plank w/ Jagger Asana. Love it!

The above three should take no more than 15 minutes each day. Make the time to take care of your shoulders -- you deserve it.

If you're ever in Edwardsville on a Monday morning at 10am, come to my class! I would love to see you at Studio Gaia.
