
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chai Time

My new favorite beverage to make at home is Chai. My Vata Dosha in Ayurveda means that I need to drink/eat warm food. Chai is one of the recommendations. After many disappointments at establishments such as Starbucks I decided to find out how it's actually done.
The first thing I learned from watching several YouTube videos is that every Indian household makes their chai a little differently. Watching these home-made videos is actually very sweet. In one it was the daughter filming her father making chai which he faithfully does for his family once or twice a day. Watch a few of these on YouTube. It will make you smile.

Here's the video that I settled on as my guide: Click Here.

Happy Chai making!!!

Monday, January 25, 2016

15 minutes for Back Strength

Yoga for Back Strength has been the focus this month in my Dancing Heart Yoga classes.
In our flexion-based (sitting all the time) society, our back muscles become weak which can cause chronic pain as our bodies assume unnatural postures to compensate for this imbalance.

Here are three yoga poses to increase back strength:

1) Cat-Cow

2) Puppy to Cobra Vinyasa

3) Locust

This should only take 15 minutes. Even if you have to do each pose at three different times of your day--you're worth it!

                                                   Then dance your heart out to THIS!
